⁃CSC2060: Theory of Computation (Level-2, AY 2023/24 - SPR) [cohort >200]
⁃CSC3002: Supervisor (7 CS Projects, AY 2023/24)
⁃CSC2060: Theory of Computation (Level-2, AY 2022/23 - SPR) [cohort >200]
⁃CSC4006: Supervisor (1 Research and Development Project, AY 2022/23)
⁃CSC3002: Supervisor (6 CS Projects, AY 2022/23)
⁃CSC2060: Theory of Computation (Level-2, AY 2021/22 - SPR) [cohort >200]
⁃CSC4006: Supervisor (3 Research and Development Projects, AY 2021/22)
⁃CSC3002: Supervisor (6 CS Projects, AY 2021/22)
⁃CSC2060: Theory of Computation (Level-2, AY 2020/21 - SPR) [cohort >200]
⁃CSC3002: Supervisor (5 CS Projects, AY 2020/21)
⁃Formal Verification and 5G Security (MobiSec Lab Subject)
⁃Drone Communications and Simulations (MobiSec Lab Subject)
⁃UTA-011: Engineering Design-III (Programming with Arduino)
⁃UCS-303: Operating System (Summer Course)
⁃UTA-004: Information Technology [January’15-June’15]
⁃UCS-403: Analysis and Design of Information System [January’15-June’15]
⁃UCS-703: Artificial Intelligence and its applications [July’14-December’14]
⁃PIS-105: Secure Coding [July’14-December’14]
⁃UCS-503: Computer Graphics [July’14-December’14]
⁃UCS-404: Principles of Programming Language [January’14-June’14]
⁃UCS-501: Algorithms [July’13-December’13]
⁃UCS-753: Software Design and Construction [July’13-December’13]